High Net Worth Divorce
Woodland Park High Net Worth Attorney
Division of marital assets and a determination of a fair alimony award becomes difficult in matters where one of the parties is the owner or involved in a business or there are substantial investments, retirement accounts and other complex assets. Lawyers in the firm of Puccio & Fiorello LLC, with more than 50 years of experience, have handled many of such cases. In doing so, we have worked with accountants in determining the value of a business subject to division as well as determining the lifestyle of the parties for use in determining a proper amount of alimony.
In New Jersey, all property and assets acquired during the marriage, with certain exceptions, from the date of marriage until the filing of a divorce complaint, are subject to equitable distribution between the parties. Identifying and valuing the said assets can become complex and difficult, as well as determining a fair distribution of those assets. The attorneys at Puccio & Fiorello LLC have worked with accountants, property appraisers, pension appraisers and other experts to assure that our clients receive their fair share of marital assets and that a fair alimony award is arrived at.
If your divorce involves a business entity owned by you or your spouse or other highly valued assets, contact the firm of Puccio & Fiorello LLC to assist you to protect your rights regarding those assets and to vigorously advocate for your interests.